
Why I do not like Fast Food?

        Have you ever gone to McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFCs? Have you ever eaten fast food?  The fast food is welcomed by people all over the world and I liked it very much. However, after watching the movie Fast Food Nation, I did not eat any fast food. I also recommended this movie to most my friends.
        The first story involved Don Anderson; the marketing Director at Mickey’s Fast Food Restaurant, who helped developed the “Big One”. When he discovered that fecal matter had been found in burger meat, he decided to travel to the small town of Cody, Colorado where the Big One was produced. He wanted to investigate the negative reports of fecal matter in meat. He met a rancher, named Rudy Martin, who was not surprised by the bad news because UMP, which was the meat plant, run their production line too fast and fecal matter was easy to pour in. Harry Rydell, a meat supplier told Don that,” We all have to eat a little shit sometimes.”
       The second story is about a group of illegal Mexicans who immigrated across the border to Colorado and they wanted to find good jobs. Sylvia, her boyfriend Raul and her sister Coco were three immigrants. They found that circumstances in the meat factory were totally different from their ideal situation. It was very dirty and dangerous Working conductions were backbreaking and many accidents happened frequently. But Sylvia, Raul and Coco had no choice because they did not have other technical skills and they needed a job. In this dirty environment, a great amount of bacteria must exist on the fast food.
        It is a good movie and I strongly recommend it to people who read my blog. I think you will reject fast food and try to cook by yourself after watching this movie.

